Reading comprehension tips


Before You Read

Your first step is to take a look through the piece before you even start reading it. Pay attention to some of the text’s main features. Is there an introduction? What does it say? Look at the headings if there are any. These are your guideposts throughout the text, and they let you know ahead of time what the author’s main points will be. Does the piece contain any bold words? These will be important, so take note of them. Glance at any pictures and captions, too.

Also, before you start reading, take a moment to think about what you already know about the topic. Then you will be able to connect what you read with your current knowledge.

Finally, ask yourself some questions, as the ones listed above.

As You Read

Your active reading continues as you read the text. Don’t just let the words skim by you. Really pay attention and interact with them. Here are some tips to help you stay focused:

  1. Read slowly. Reading isn’t a race.
  2. Try to find the answers to the questions you created before you started reading, but don’t ignore other information.
  3. Write some notes either in the margins if the book belongs to you or on a separate sheet of paper if it doesn’t. Jot down main points that you notice. Note interesting bits of information that catch your attention. Write down questions that you have and points you don’t understand. Mark key words and their definitions. Make connections to other things you’ve read.
  4. Underline, highlight, and/or circle important elements in the text if the book belongs to you.
  5. Consider making a little outline as you go. Identify the main point of each paragraph and the supporting evidence. Your outline doesn’t have to be formal. You can use your own style. You just want to be sure you catch the text’s important ideas.
  6. Look up words you don’t know. Don’t slack on this one. Those words could be essential to your understanding of the text.

Yes, this seems like a lot of work, but the whole point is to interact with the text as much as possible. This is the best way to understand and remember what you read.

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Top five tips

  • Never Use Outside Knowledge

  • Read Instructions Carefully

  • Make Strategic Guesses

  • Read the Questions First

  • Review Answer Sheets


Reading comprehension strategies


Reading comprehension websites: